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Prevention and Education

Domestic Violence Bystander

A 90-120-minute training for med-large groups of health care professionals, police officers and other service providers. Covers the dynamics of IPV, red flags & warnings, best practices in response to disclosures, resources, and tips on safety planning. Bystander training is also appropriate for college/university students.

Sexual Violence Bystander

A 90-120-minute training for med-large groups. Covers the dynamics of SV, trauma responses, best practices in response to disclosures, information on medical and legal options. Bystander training is also appropriate for college/university students.

Intersections of Domestic and Sexual Violence

A combination of Domestic & Sexual Violence Bystander(s); typically lasts 2 hours.

“How to Help” workshops and abuse education classes

Designed for small groups of family/friends looking for assistance in supporting someone who has experienced sexual or domestic violence. Timeframes vary by audience.

SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) Training

For more than 30 years, YWCA has partnered with area hospitals to provide a coordinated, compassionate, community response to sexual violence. Today, we are proud to continue this partnership with SSM Health on the expansion of their SANE program across the St. Louis Region. YWCA is proud to host and assist in the training of these key first responders to victims/survivors of sexual assault.