KSDK DVAM Educational Campaign

KSDK DVAM Educational Campaign

All October long, a Domestic Violence Awareness Month Educational Campaign ran on air on KSDK and KSDK.com.   

Throughout the month in collaboration with our YWCA staff we aired special segments on Show Me St. Louis educating viewers on our services for victims of domestic violence, forms of domestic violence, what to do if someone tells you are being abused and barriers that keep victims from safety and the solutions to overcome them.

YWCA Metro St. Louis is the region’s leading advocate for the safety, security and stability of women and children, serving more than 10,000 women, girls and families annually. The mission of YWCA is eliminating racism and empowering women. YWCA offers crisis intervention and rapid re-housing for victims of sexual and domestic violence; services for pregnant women and Head Start and Early Head Start early childhood education; economic empowerment services for all clients; and racial justice educational programs.


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